
To each one of us is given the task of maintaining ourselves. I see myself constantly looking beyond myself.  I have to see outside of my sphere in order to appreciate my own abilities.
I go back to my own theory that in order to achieve something, one has to believe that something really is possible. I constantly wonder at those who have managed great things, but could not have been aware of the things they managed to achieve prior to their climb to achievement. Scope, everything is hinged on scope.
So for me, I am trying to achieve unlimited scope, a mindset where all things are truly possible, in order to achieve great things.
I was struck by a story that my daughter told me about Columbus’ arrival in the new world. She told me that the natives never saw the ships. She went on to tell me that they never saw them because their minds didn’t allow for their existence, therefore they weren’t there. That being true, what else are we missing?
How is our mindset hindering our achievements? I can’t read, therefore I don’t.  I don’t believe in visitors from other planets, therefore that’s not a spaceship over my head?
How much is really in front of our eyes, that we cannot perceive? 

How can I allow for all things?


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