
I am a witch. Untrained, but well read, I am a witch. I have lately been tempted to put away my pentagrams and turn from the religion, but I can't because it still feels true to me. But what is true?
True is relative, completely relative. True is both constant and fluctuation. True is.
I came to a couple and sought training. In my seeking, an attrempt was made to victimize me. To be a victim, in this case, would have been a choice. I chose not to be.
But to be a pagan is a proclamation to me. To be a pagan is a choice to take control of at least one area of your life. Your relationship with the powers that be. It is no surprise to me to see a room full of women at a public circle. these women have made a choice to control a portion of their lives and act out in a powerful and beautiful way, their relationship with the spiritual.
Anyway back to the victim....I was informed that I might be asked to perform, on a candlestick, ahem.....I say, candlestick......
How dare he? Careful, in this Goddess appreciative relm he might loose that candlestick, should he think any woman should bow to it. Oh yes, I understand its power and its meaning, and I appreciate the correlation, but to infer that I...nah.
I return to my books and read some more.
Anyway, my thought for the day is that when it is time, it will happen, and not a second earlier.


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