Today and Sunday

Today I saw things I don't usually see. First, at a light I glanced over at the car next to me at the light and the guy in the car was playing with himself. Completely uninspired, but playing, just the same. It was funny, strange and weired. Then a bit later on, sirens and fire trucks racing towards me and beyond, converge on a parking lot where a car had driven into the Boston Market... I hope no one got hurt.
Last Sunday I saw a bald eagle in the wild, for the very first time, and it was way more magical than I ever thought it could be. that moment will stay with me for a very long time...
In the end I found myself in the shower questioning myself, my commitments and the things I want to give myself to. I have given myself to so little. over time. Now, as I get to the part of my life more commonly reserved for taking stock and laying back, I find that I may have missed out on many things, because of that attitude, and while I firmly believe in the ability to reinvent myself, learn new things and do new things every day, the reality that time may run out BEFORE I get the chance to do something or carry something to fruition is coming into more focus.


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