Color of the day

Each day I check Laurie Cabot's tweet for the color of the day. Then there's a calendar in my bath that also shows a color for the day. Once in awhile they match, though not often. For all my books on the subject, I've never managed to devine these things for myself and always defer to those far beyond me for the information.
What colors do we wear for times such as these? It would appear that we are under assault on so many levels. I know some people out there love our president. I loved the former, ergo this one isn't my pick to click but we get to choose again in several months unless this virus gets in the way of that too. I suppose it could.
I'd love to offer words of encouragement but I don't have any. While it is true that we are all in this together, we are also very alone, in our confinement and our experience.
Years ago I had a very large knife pulled on me and my life was threatened. I lived through it, though it seemed like I wouldn't at the time. Now it's just a tiny blip in my history. It's weird to think that I fit the demographic that is dying from this virus. I'd be lying if I tried to tell you that I'm not frightened by it. I am. I am more frightened now than I was when I saw that knife. I was able to negotiate with the person at the end of it. I can't bargain with the virus. It will do what it does and no one knows it has come knocking until it is too late. Then there is the aspect that while it may leave me intact it may take what is more precious to me, those that I love.
Which brings me to surrender. I surrender to the handwashing, the disinfecting, the housebound activities and the endless news streams of information waiting anxiously for the sound of hope.
It used to be that I gained comfort that I lived in the most advanced, intelligent or richest country of the world so that I knew things were being done as well as could be done. This may never have been the case but I did have that illusion. I don't have that illusion this time. I have watched while our government dragged its feet, pointed fingers, denied the facts and lost valuable time in the fight. Unbeknownst to me the very agency that would have been there to defend us was dismantled by this administration some time ago. We the people are fighting the battle without a champion at the helm.
I live with a dear man who watches the news all day. It's changed a bit but where I never watched the TV it is now droning away from that place on the wall. I have come to know Governor Cuomo through his daily briefings. He has become a small comfort in the barrage of deadly news.
I still don't know what color to wear but I have found a champion to look to.
I truly hope that this too will become a tiny blip in my personal history and yours.


  1. As bright as possible. Red to say "bite me", I will not yield. Green because to me it represents things green and growing, the earth coming alive; hope. White for purity - would this help? Probably not. But it's before memorial day and some would be bothered by it. Various blues because they are soothing,like Madonna, or French Blue. Teal. Dark blue for True Blue. Who is that nowadays? Us, maybe. Go with red!

  2. Er, wasn't trying to be "unknown". Sheesh. Posted by Linny. Loved the whole piece by the way. Everything is so unnerving. No precedent.

    1. Wow! Thanks! nice to see you here, glad you liked it


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