The tree

Seven and a half feet from my foundation to my property line and just on the other side of my fence is this lovely blue spruce. It must be ninety feet tall by now and was probably planted when the little neighborhood was young and filled with tiny cottages like the one next to my house, circa 1945 or so.

When I moved in, some years ago all that could be seen from the windows on that side of the house were the boughs of the tree and it’s winged inhabitants, juncos, chickadees, mourning doves, and blue jays, to name but a few. I watched a pair of doves nest right outside the window in my first few months.

In Winter I’d watch the snow pile up on the boughs then blow off in the wind. I have loved this quiet sentinel that stands guard over the two houses. I’m quite sure it doesn’t consider the fence or what it means. Yes, I know it’s too close to the house. It does block the solar panels on that roof and sure, I’ve seen a raccoon or two scurrying up or down it’s trunk.

But I love it so much. My neighbor wants to take it down and I know it probably should come down but I will cry for the loss of it. I will miss the birds that sit inches from the windows while I watch and I will miss watching the moon rise over it in its silvery light. The expense of its removal does keep it from happening, but I have been assured it will happen soon.

Until it does, I will continue to enjoy it. Blessings ❣️


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